The General Director of TVET-A Traveled to Parwan Province

أربعاء, ديسمبر 06 2023 10:23 صباحا

Respected Mowlavi Ghulam Haidar Shahamat, the general director of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority, traveled to Parwan province to assess the situation of technical and vocational education centers.

This trip aims to examine the status of technical and vocational education centers and how to address their needs.

Meanwhile, Mowlavi Mohammadzi Rasouli, the head of Technical and Vocational Education of Parwan province, reported on the general situation of technical and vocational education in the province.

During his meeting with the general director of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority, the head of Technical and Vocational Education of Parwan province mentioned the lack of electricity and water in some educational centers as the main problem of these centers.

On the other hand, this delegation reviewed the technical procurement plans and documents and evaluated the performance of employees.

At the end of this session, the general director of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority promised to address the needs of the head of Parwan province. Also, it provided necessary instructions to the officials regarding some issues.

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