An appreciation ceremony for the innovators of the National Exhibition of Innovations and Top Initiatives was held

اثنين, نوفمبر 20 2023 7:02 مساء

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority appreciated the innovators and creators who participated in the National Exhibition of Innovations and Top Initiatives in Afghanistan.

In this ceremony, some officials and representatives from government and private sector and departments were also present.

 In this program, Mawlavi Shamsurrahman Saadat spoke as representative of the provincial heads of technical and vocational centers. He called for more support for technical and vocational education centers from the government, while also sharing some suggestions from the technical heads, including collaboration in project completion, marketing for products, updating the technical education system, etc.

Meanwhile, Mawlavi Gholam Haider Shahamat, general directorate of the TVET-A said that Afghanistan has been humiliated by enemies for years.

 He stated that currently the government has created opportunities for a dignified life for people.

Mr. Shahamat also spoke about supporting creative and innovative youth in the country, emphasizing that the TVET-A supports all these achievements.

He mentioned that young people are essential assets to this country, and the government fully supports them with all its power.

Other speakers also talked about organizing the exhibition and appreciated the efforts of the TVET-A in organizing this program.

At the end of this ceremony, cash prizes and certificates of appreciation were presented to the innovators and inventors of this exhibition.

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