The Inauguration Ceremony of the National Exhibition of Afghan Innovations and Top Initiatives was held with the presence of government officials

سبت, نوفمبر 18 2023 2:31 مساء

The inauguration ceremony of the National Exhibition of Afghan Innovations and Top Initiatives was held with the presence of government officials. Several ministers of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan including Sheikh Neda Mohamad Nadeem, Minister of Higher Education, Hamidullah Nemani, Minister of Urban Development, Mr. Anwar-ul-Haq Anwar, Directorate of Administration of Presidency, and Khalil Rahman Haqani, Minister of Migrants, as well as Sheikh Abdul Baqi Haqani, General Directorate of the National Examinations Office, were present at this session.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Mowlavi Ghulam Haidar Shahamat, the general directorate of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority, talked about the importance and position of science and support for creative youth.

He referred to verses from the Holy Quran and said that humans are obliged to save themselves from hunger through work and effort and to put themselves in security and comfort.

Mr. Shahamat also mentioned that providing security across the country and economic progress are among the important achievements of the government. He added that even the enemies of the Afghan people admit to these achievements.

Meanwhile, Mowlavi Gholam Haidar Shahamat called poverty reduction and training skilled labor the basic goals of this authority and added that this authority has taken important steps towards achieving them. He talked about the mining and railway sectors and said that the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority is currently training skilled individuals. He also mentioned the importance of tourism and hospitality in the country and said that the authority has taken steps towards establishing a hospitality institute in the country. On the other hand, Mr. Hamidullah Nemani, Minister of Urban Development, spoke about the role of the Technical and Vocational Education Department in the growth and progress of the country. He also said that learning science is one of the important missions of Muslims and should be carried out to serve humanity.

Sheikh Neda Muhamad Nadeem, Minister of Higher Education, who was present at this session, talked about the importance of education in the country, especially technical and vocational education. He said that the educational sector in the country is carrying out all educational tasks in a coordinated manner. He also assured support for innovative youth centers for technical and vocational education and said that the Ministry of Higher Education is ready to recruit graduates from technical and vocational education centers to continue their studies in universities without any reduction.

In addition, Sheikh Abdulbaqi Haqani, general directorate of the National Examinations Office praised the achievements of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority. Anwar-ul-Haq Anwar, directorate of Administration of Presidency also spoke about science being the cause of society's progress.

He expressed his appreciation for holding the exhibition by the Technical and Vocational Education Authority and assured support for creative and innovative youth in the country.

In this program, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority also signed cooperation agreements with several ministries and private and government institutions.

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