Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority Held a Graduation Ceremony

Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority Organized a Graduation Ceremony for Students of Technical and Vocational Education Centers of Kabul Province.
High-ranking Government Officials, Including the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Higher Education, Heads of Departments, and the President of the National Examinations Board, attended and delivered speeches at the ceremony.
Esteemed Mawlawi Abdul Salam Hanafi, in this program, stated that the organization of this grand gathering is a momentous occasion for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority and Afghanistan.
In his remarks during this program, he pledged that graduates of technical and vocational education centers will be absorbed into government departments and the private sectors.
The esteemed Deputy Administrative Officer of the Prime Minister's Office stated that nationwide security and justice have been established in the country, creating a favorable environment for the growth of youth.
Continuing today's program, Mr. Noorulhaq Anwar, Director of the Department of Affairs, stated that the efforts and dedication of the leadership of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority is commendable and worthy of praise.
Referring to the nationwide security in the country, the Director of the Department of Affairs explained that all the necessary conditions and capacities have been prepared for the education and training sector in the country.
He further stated that technical and vocational education is a dire need of society and that the government supports the programs of theTechnical and Vocational Education and Training Authority.
Also present at the ceremony, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid, the Minister of Defense, stated that Afghanistan requires skilled and specialized individuals in all sectors.
The esteemed Mawlawi Yaqoob stated that the capacities of the youth will be utilized to achieve the country's self-sufficiency.
Referring to the forty years of war in the country, he stated that Afghanistan has now entered a new phase and that it is imperative for everyone to contribute to the country's progress.
The Minister of Defense stated that officials should prioritize serving the people and added that the doors of government institutions are always open to the public.
Continuing the ceremony, Sheikh Neda Mohammad Nadeem, the Minister of Higher Education, delivered a speech and emphasized that acquiring knowledge and education carries immense rewards and blessings according to the sacred religion of Islam.
The esteemed Minister of Higher Education elaborated that technical and vocational education is of paramount importance for the country's progress.
Furthermore, Sheikh Abdul Baqi Haqqani, the Head of the National Examination Administration, emphasized the need for greater support for young people in his remarks at the graduation ceremony of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority.
He stated that technical sciences have held a special position in Islamic history and added that the government supports and promotes advancements in technical and vocational education.
The Head of the National Examination Administration further remarked that young people should strive to utilize technical sciences for the progress and self-sufficiency of the country.
The Head of the Kabul Ulema Council also emphasized the need to support and strengthen technical and vocational education in this program, stating that these sciences should be utilized for the progress and self-sufficiency of the country.
Esteemed Mawlawi Ghulam Haider Shahamat, the Head of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority delivered the closing remarks at the program and stated that the graduates of technical and vocational education centers have been equipped with the skills to enter the job market.
The Head of Technical and Vocational Education further added that the Technical and Vocational Education Administration serves as a demand-driven institution, training young people according to the needs of the job market.
In the concluding remarks of his speech, he enumerated several accomplishments of this administration.