Celebration of the Graduation Ceremony of Technical and Vocational Centers in Takhar Province
The graduation ceremony for nearly 100 graduates of vocational programs of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority was held at Takhar province.
This ceremony was inaugurated in the presence of Mawlavi Abdullah Aminzada, the governor of Takhar, scholars, youth, and other local officials.
At the beginning of this ceremony, the honorable Mawlavi Aminzada spoke about the role of vocational education in the economic growth of society and stated that these educations lead to employment and play an important role in economic self-sufficiency.
Continuing the ceremony, Engineer Mohammad Ifel Mubariz, the head of technical and vocational education in Takhar, expressed appreciation for the efforts and hard work of the teachers and staff of this province's technical and vocational education centers.
The technical officer of Takhar added that serving the people and society leads to rewards in this world and the hereafter.
Mr. Mohammad Ifel Mubariz also stated that vocational education programs play an important role in reducing poverty. He also emphasized the expansion and continuation of these programs.
Other speakers also discussed the importance of technical and vocational education and called for its continuation.
The ceremony concluded with the presentation of certificates to the graduates.